Make Christmas merrier with UNIQLO’s #MyUQGiftToYou


Want to give the Gift of LifeWear this Christmas season? Join #MyUQGiftToYou!


Every week starting November 18, UNIQLO will announce a featured Holiday item via its Facebook page. Share the photo and tag a friend who is deserving of the featured Holiday item. Put a nice dedication as to why it should be given to him/her and include the hashtag #MyUQGiftToYou. The most creative post will get to gift the featured item to that friend.


Make Christmas merrier with UNIQLO's #MyUQGiftToYou_Photo

Check out the Facebook page ( and Instagram account ( of UNIQLO Philippines for weekly updates and further information on #MyUQGiftToYou this Holiday season.


Eli has 28 years of extensive IT sales expertise in Data, voice and network security and integrating them is his masterpiece. Photography and writing is his passion. Growing up as a kid, his father taught him to use the steel bodied Pentax and Hanimex 135mm film and single-direction flash, Polaroid cameras, and before going digital, he used mini DV tape with his Canon videocam. He now shoots with his Canon EOS 30D. Photography and blogging is a powerful mixture for him.

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