Nestlé Philippines declares new commitments to achieve net zero emissions 

As the world’s largest food and beverage manufacturer, Nestlé is called upon to take a leadership role  in tackling climate change, one of the greatest threats to society today. Accordingly, Nestlé is  leveraging its global size, scale, and reach to make a difference as it urgently pursues its ambition to  halve its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030 and reach net zero not later than 2050. 


Nestle Philippines
Nestlé Philippines declares new commitments to achieve net zero emissions


Locally, Nestlé Philippines, one of the country’s largest corporations, recently declared new  commitments to achieve net zero emissions as a “Kasambuhay for the Environment” on its 110th  year. The commitments were announced during the company’s virtual 2021 Net Zero Fair attended  by employees and their family members, as well as program and business  partners. These commitments aim to support the Philippines’ Nationally Determined Contribution  under the Paris Agreement to reduce and avoid carbon emissions by 75 percent as of 2030. 


Nestle Philippines Net Zero by 2050
Nestlé Philippines declares new commitments to achieve net zero emissions


In tackling the plastic waste crisis, Nestlé Philippines is innovating and developing technology to  make its packaging recyclable or reusable by 2025. At the same time, it is collaborating with public  and private sector partners to ensure that none of its packaging ends up in the environment, and to  educate consumers about solid waste management. 


Nestle Philippines Net Zero by 2050
Nestlé Philippines declares new commitments to achieve net zero emissions


Last year in August, the company achieved its most important environmental milestone thus far, by  becoming the country’s first multinational fast-moving consumer goods company to attain plastic  neutrality. This means Nestlé Philippines is collecting and co-processing, and therefore diverting  from nature, the equivalent amount of plastic that it generates in its packaging. Since then, it has  collected 18,000 metric tons of plastic waste in the last seven months. 


Nestle Philippines Net Zero by 2050
Nestlé Philippines declares new commitments to achieve net zero emissions


The company has also switched to clean energy, and now its factories in Luzon, as well as its Makati  office, run on 100% renewable electricity. 


Through its NESCAFÉ Plan and the Common Code for the Coffee Community or 4C, Nestlé  Philippines is enabling Robusta coffee farmers in Mindanao to learn regenerative agriculture and  sustainable coffee production. In particular, the company is helping 1,500 smallholder farmers  to reduce their carbon footprint. 


Nestle Philippines Net Zero by 2050
Nestlé Philippines declares new commitments to achieve net zero emissions


On top of these programs, Nestlé Philippines Chairman and CEO Kais Marzouki announced additional  commitments to accelerate the journey to net zero. These include collecting and diverting an annual  average of 26,000 metric tons of plastic waste away from landfills and oceans an important step  towards ensuring none of its waste ends up in the environment thereby sustaining plastic neutrality, 


Nestle Philippines Net Zero by 2050
Nestlé Philippines declares new commitments to achieve net zero emissions


reducing virgin plastics consumption by 1/3 by 2025, and reducing 30% of GHG emissions* by 2025  in local operations (factories, administrative office and logistics). 


Mr. Marzouki expressed confidence that the company will fulfill these commitments with the support  and participation of its employees and partners. During the Fair, employees and their  families formally pledged in a contract with the planet to actively involve themselves in creating a  net zero environment by making sustainable choices, properly managing solid waste, and planting  trees. 


Nestle Philippines Net Zero by 2050
Nestlé Philippines declares new commitments to achieve net zero emissions


In a message of support, Senator Win Gatchalian, chairman of the Senate Committee on Energy, said:  “The contributions of the private sector will provide the needed boost in achieving carbon neutrality.  Your efforts to transition to regenerative agricultural practices should be adopted as well by others  in the manufacturing sector as it will benefit nature and improve the income of farmers.” 


Nestle Philippines Net Zero by 2050
Nestlé Philippines declares new commitments to achieve net zero emissions


“Nestlé’s strategy to cut in half its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and achieve net zero by 2050  are perfectly aligned with the targets of our country’s Nationally Determined Contribution under the  Paris Agreement. By accelerating its actions to tackle climate change, Nestlé will help our country  attain its goals in building climate change mitigation, adaptation, and resilience,” said Department of  Environment and Natural Resources Secretary Roy Cimatu in another message of support. 


Nestlé Philippines SVP and Head of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability Ms. Arlene Tan-Bantoto  acknowledged the importance of partnerships with the public and the private sectors in making the  company’s ground-breaking environmental initiatives possible. “We are addressing climate change  through coordinated action, continuing innovation, and multisectoral engagement, with open  accountability as we report our progress. We are the Good Food, Good Life company. We want  to leave the legacy of a cleaner, healthier, and more livable planet for the next 110 years,” she added. 


“Nestlé Philippines will take a leading role in working towards net zero GHG emissions by integrating  sustainable practices in our operations. We will continue to seek out partnerships and collaborate  with consumers, the government, industry, NGOs and other stakeholders, as we journey to a net zero  future,” Mr. Marzouki said, “Tackling climate change cannot wait, and neither can we. And so let us  all move forward for the sake of our children and future generations, rising to the challenges that lie  ahead, together and united.” 


*GHG emissions in factories refer to GHG emissions scope 1+2 as per the GHG Protocol following the  United Nations Criteria 


Eli has 28 years of extensive IT sales expertise in Data, voice and network security and integrating them is his masterpiece. Photography and writing is his passion. Growing up as a kid, his father taught him to use the steel bodied Pentax and Hanimex 135mm film and single-direction flash, Polaroid cameras, and before going digital, he used mini DV tape with his Canon videocam. He now shoots with his Canon EOS 30D. Photography and blogging is a powerful mixture for him.

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