Kristine Santamena, Kitz Cua and Yna Magenda joins eSports content creator Galaxy Racer

Galaxy Racer a Transmedia Powerhouse leading the way in esports, content creation, music, and sports, also shows how to lead and cultivate a culture of inclusion. With thousands of team members spread out across the globe, from members of the organization to esports teams to content creators, GXR is indeed a community of diversity.


The world is evolving into a generation with more younger people than ever in our history. And this younger generation is inherently inclusive as opposed to any other generation before it. Their worldview is more expansive as the information channels are wide open, and communication is no longer bordered and limited. It is the internet age, and open-mindedness falls under a fresher and broader definition. 


Galaxy Racer
Kitz, Yna, and Kristine share a common desire: To always keep their audiences happy, the key to keeping their community together and supportive of whatever they put out as their unique content.


This generational evolution has created a new breed of information sources that we now commonly refer to as content creators. They dominate the online sphere, from social media platforms to websites, blogs, and vlogs. Each has something unique to offer, and their uniqueness has spurred a fanatical following that is admirable in many ways.


Marcia Guillermo, Galaxy Racer’s country manager shared, “It is a movement never seen before and is quite evident in the Philippines. We see more and more creative content crafted by unique individuals. This movement inspired us (in Galaxy Racer) to create a talent management arm, GXR Creators.” She added, “GXR Creators’ primary agenda is to connect brands with its audiences through GXR’s pool of creators.”


Galaxy Racer
Kristine Santamena, Kitz Cua and Yna Magenda joins eSports content creator Galaxy Racer


GXR Creators is proud to be collaborating with notable creators like Kitz Cua, Yna Magenda, and Kristine Santamena. With millions of followers across different platforms, these creators (clearly) set themselves apart from other creators through their content. 


Initially a cosplayer, Kitz Cua, found her home in TikTok and Twitch, where she feels very comfortable creating content and has successfully nurtured a friendly and supportive community. Cua shares, “I used to do cosplay videos where I lip-sync to a song or do a dance, but it did not do well. I decided to showcase transitioning from my usual self to a character with my video editing style, which worked well.” 

Galaxy Racer
Kristine Santamena, Kitz Cua and Yna Magenda joins eSports content creator Galaxy Racer


She also livestreams playing Wild Rift and shares, “With Wild Rift, I get to enjoy the game and the interaction with my followers. The streaming community is so tight-knit that almost everyone knows everyone, and I have made many genuine friends.”


Yna Magenda, another GXR Creator talent, shares, “Just have fun and make sure you’re happy with what you’re doing”. Yna’s words of wisdom to new creators seeking their place in the world wide web. 


Galaxy Racer
Kristine Santamena, Kitz Cua and Yna Magenda joins eSports content creator Galaxy Racer


An avid player of Mobile Legends and streams her plays online, she shares, “It helps me to relax, and I decided to Livestream to share with everyone how happy it makes me and to allow my supporters to play with me.” But more than this, Yna shares that the acceptance as “nanay” is the most memorable part of his online career.


An early adopter, Kristine Santamena, started to stream as early as 2018. She shares, “At the beginning, I was always nervous, but eventually, I got the hang of it, and it became more of a routine.” Adding delightedly, “I was encouraged to do it more regularly when I started noticing that my followers were increasing and are watching more regularly to the point that I memorized most of their names.”


Galaxy Racer
Kristine Santamena, Kitz Cua and Yna Magenda joins eSports content creator Galaxy Racer

She said, “I know gaming and streaming are male-dominated fields, but I do not let that affect me, even when there are negative comments. I just focus on improving my gameplay, being more respectful, not thinking about the negative, and being a good example to both my male and female audiences.”

Kitz, Yna, and Kristine share a common desire: To always keep their audiences happy, the key to keeping their community together and supportive of whatever they put out as their unique content.

“GXR Creators will continue to support our talents, providing them meaningful career advice and the chance to connect them with brands that align with their messaging,” shares Guillermo. She closes, “The opportunity to reach a more significant number of audience is immense, by simply collaborating with our creators.”



Eli has 28 years of extensive IT sales expertise in Data, voice and network security and integrating them is his masterpiece. Photography and writing is his passion. Growing up as a kid, his father taught him to use the steel bodied Pentax and Hanimex 135mm film and single-direction flash, Polaroid cameras, and before going digital, he used mini DV tape with his Canon videocam. He now shoots with his Canon EOS 30D. Photography and blogging is a powerful mixture for him.

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