The loyal supporter of PNOY and his administration, the member of the APO Hiking Society, Jim Paredes was the talk of the net on April 1, 2019. And it was not a drill.
The senior citizen guy who’s private video was published out of nowhere first denied the video.
FAKE… was all his replies on Twitter on the day his video circulated the social media.
Jim Paredes then made all his social media channel private.
But before the April Fool’s Day is over, the old man issued a statement.
Posted on April 01, 2019 by jimparedes
This is very difficult for me to write, and for many of you, it will
be painful to read.
The video was real. It was private, and not meant for public
consumption. I do not know how it became public. I can only surmise
that in this ugly season of toxic politics, muckrakers determined to
neutralize my influence by violating my privacy and digging up dirt on
me are at work.
When I saw it on social media, I was in a quandary how to respond. But
after mulling and praying over it, I decided to come clean. There are
already too many lies and liars in this world. I do not wish to be a
part of that cabal. I have chosen to be truthful because I know that
painful as the truth can be, it will eventually set me free.
I have never tried to project myself as perfect. Of all the sins in
this world, I believe sex is the most human of all. I am not saying
this to excuse what, I regret, was broadcast on social media. I have
always expressed my feelings freely. Today, I wish to express my
truth. I am a flawed person, a human being, much like everyone else.
I made a mistake, I was irresponsible. And I am truly sorry.
I know many of you have judged me and condemned me, and those who held
me in high esteem are disappointed in me, to put it mildly. I
apologize for my irresponsibility. But most especially, I stand in
bottomless sorrow and contrition before my family who are reeling from
the hurt and aggravation, and the embarrassment and shame, that should
only be mine. I pray that they be spared any more wicked trolling by
those who would revel in their pain. ###
Unbelievable? Here’s the screenshot to that statement.
Source: Jim Paredes blog.