Climate change and urbanization have certainly affected the requirements expected form the pipeline industry.
Typhoons, averaging 20 times per year, and storm surges cause heavy flooding in thoroughfares and these put unnecessary pressure on water pipes and underground electrical pipes. Environmental wastes seep through the sewers at accelerated speeds and amounts as a result of the ever increasing population. Seemingly endless road construction and repairs that bring about heavy traffic in the metropolis and suburbs have become part of our daily lives. Then, there are also skyscrapers, buildings and houses sprouting like mushrooms almost everywhere.
Without a doubt, much is expected from the pipe manufacturing companies to provide the precise state-of-the-art, durable and reliable, 100% leak-free, yet environmentally-friendly and health-safe pipes, joints and seals.
One of the most common problems is leakage caused by poor jointing and loose gasket resulting to non-revenue water and system loss. Pipe leak is highly caused by improper pipe fitting due to conventional installation and non-secure working condition.
For this, NELTEX offers the use of its PVC NELTEX PRESSURELINE PIPE with machine-installed fixed seal solution that leaves no margin for error.
Major infrastructures constructed decades ago can no longer adapt to climate and environmental changes. Floods and waste water still go through reinforced concrete pipes that are corroded by the hydrogen sulfide present in waste water. These should be changed to the chemically-resistant PVC PIPES of NELTEX.
Road construction is often slowed down due to pipe laying of reinforced concrete pipes. Concrete pipes are only one meter in length and heavy. Jointing these pipes are tedious and could be inaccurate, thus difficult to form long, straight pipes. With concrete pipes jointed in unevent slopes, water could not flow as fast as in smoothly straight pipes, and clogging often occurs. NELTEX suggests the use of flexible, lightweight, six-meter long PVC NELTEX SEWERGUARD PIPE with SEWERLOCK SEAL that ensures fast installation and less jointing.
Urbanization requires that electrical cables should be contained in pipes and installed underground. Since electrical pipes are installed beside water pipes, it is a must for these pipes to be highly durable, non-corrosive, water tight and air tight. NELTEX meets these requirements with its impact modified PVC POWERGUARD PIPES joined together by means of a fixed seal technology called the POWERLOCK that renders the pipes to be 100% waterproof and air tight.
Neltex Development Corporation never stops to develop pipes that respond to the needs of the times because a pipe, after all, is an important component of life in the modern society. To know more about this, check the NELTEX website at and like their fan page at