The Smart Choice in Life Insurance

More than anything in this world, Filipinos value their family the most.

Heads of the families work hard to maintain a stable source of income to provide for their family’s needs and to achieve a worry-free and happy family life.

Making choices in life is hard because of the loved ones to consider.

The future holds a lot of uncertainties. No matter how careful anyone tries to be, things may not go according to plan, and its a given.

A smart choice that every breadwinner should make is to have the right plan that can help them prepare for the future.

Recognizing the need to simplify the value of an insurance protection plan, Philam Life recently introduced Life Smart, an insurance plan designed to give the policyholder a worry-free future with life insurance coverage, accident and terminal illness benefits so that his family can continue to live the life he planned for them. If nothing happens by the end of the plan, he can get his payments back plus an additional cash bonus, making it a smart choice for his needs.


Life Smart gives guaranteed life insurance coverage with an accident and terminal illness benefits. This means that in case the policyholder passes away, his beneficiaries will receive the full coverage of his plan.

If the cause of death was due to an accident, the amount that the beneficiaries will receive becomes double the amount of the insurance coverage.

If the policyholder gets diagnosed with a terminal illness, he will receive the guaranteed benefit in advance.
Moreover, after 20 years, the policyholder will get all the payments back. Plus, he can also get additional cash through yearly dividends and a loyalty bonus.

Think of it this way: the breadwinner and his family are financially protected the entire time for 20 years, and if nothing unexpected happens, all the payments will be returned. As the name implies, Philam Life’s new Life Smart plan is designed to be smart and simple.

A better life begins with a smart choice. So make the smart choice today with Life Smart. Visit

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