PLDT and wireless unit Smart Communications, Inc. (Smart) laud the Inter-Agency Council Against Trafficking (IACAT) headed by the Department of Justice (DOJ) for completing the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of R.A. 11930 or the Anti-Online Sexual Abuse or Exploitation of Children (OSAEC) and Anti-Child Sexual Abuse or Exploitation Materials (CSAEM) Law.
“This gives us clearer guidance on how we can harness technology to help curtail OSAEC and provide safer spaces for children online and offline,” said Angel Redoble, FVP and Chief Information Security Officer of PLDT and Smart.

The PLDT Group actively participated in the strengthening of the landmark legislation having been part of the technical working group that amended the ‘Anti-child Pornography Act of 2009’. The Group particularly pushed for the inclusion of the ‘Good Samaritan’ clause that would empower internet service providers (ISP) to immediately take down offensive materials without being held civilly, criminally or administratively liable.
While waiting for the IRR to be completed, PLDT and Smart have been vigorously blocking access to CSAEM posted online. In April, the Group’s child protection platform prevented more than 226,000 attempts to open these illicit files. So far, the platform has blacklisted more than 641,000 OSAEC-related URLs.
PLDT and Smart reiterate their commitment to work with the government and like-minded organizations in creating a safer space for children, both online and offline, where they thrive and are able to live their full potential.
The initiatives to protect children and to beef up the Group’s digital infrastructure, particularly cybersecurity, are grounded in its drive to put customers at the heart of its operations.
This customer obsession is a fundamental part of a broader effort to elevate the Filipinos’ experience by keeping customers and the country safe from threats and attacks. These programs highlight the Group’s commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, particularly SDG No. 9 on Industries, Innovation and Infrastructure