Well, hello July! What took you so long. 🙂
Now, here’s one treat from a well-loved brands IMAX and Starbucks. They partnered together to give a special treat to its patrons!
After watching a movie in IMAX with your loved ones, you will be treated to a complimentary upsize of your handcrafted beverage in Starbucks! Just surrender your ticket, and you’ll get the treat!
Wait, there’s more! Just present your Starbucks receipt in Snack Time branches in IMAX, you will get a complimentary upsize of your popcorn!
Don’t forget that this promo is from July 4 to August 31,2014 only!
Enjoy and have fun!
Oh, one more! This promotion is only valid on the date printed on the IMAX / Starbucks POS Receipt.
You can check www.smcinema.com or www.starbucks.ph websites for the complete mechanics.